Showing 1 - 25 of 360 Results
Secret Memoirs of the Regency The Minority of Louis XV by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781410209993 List Price: $30.00
Pleasures of Retirement, Preferable to the Joys of Dissipation; Exemplified in the Life and ... by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781170646403 List Price: $29.75
Secret Memoirs of the Regency, the Minority of Louis Xv; by Duclos, Charles Pinot, Méra... ISBN: 9781177188883 List Price: $33.75
Secret Memoirs of the Regency : The Minority of Louis XV (1910) by Duclos, Charles Pinot, Mera... ISBN: 9781166249090 List Price: $39.16
Memoires Pour Servir a Lãâ¢Ã¢Â€Â¬Ã¢Â€žâ¢Histoire des Moeurs du Xviii Siecle by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781166358792 List Price: $33.56
Carl Duclos Geheime Memoiren, Theil : Zur Geschichte der Regierungen Ludwigs des Vierzehnten... by Duclos, Charles Pinot, Hube... ISBN: 9781165360154 List Price: $35.16
Confessions du Comte de-, Part by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781165533718 List Price: $18.36
Confessions du Comte de-, Part by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781165558605 List Price: $30.36
Secret Memoirs of the Regency : The Minority of Louis Xv... by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781276429252 List Price: $33.75
Uvres Completes (French Edition) by Charles Pinot Duclos ISBN: 9781286951798 List Price: $34.75
Caracteres Morales de Teofrasto : Reflexiones Filosóficas Sobre Las Costumbres de Nuestro Siglo by Teofrasto, Charles Pinot Du... ISBN: 9781175046994 List Price: $35.75
Histoire de Louis Xi by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781175144683 List Price: $37.75
History of Lewis XI King of France by M Duclos, Translated from the French Original In by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781140740445 List Price: $32.75
Memoirs Illustrating the Manners of the Present Age Wherein Are Contained the Remarkable Inc... by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781140939078 List Price: $25.75
Memoirs Illustrating the Manners of the Present Age Wherein Are Contained the Remarkable Inc... by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781140939085 List Price: $26.75
Course of Gallantries; or, the Inferiority of the Tumultuous Joys of the Passions to the Ser... by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781140952954 List Price: $19.75
Course of Gallantries; or, the Inferiority of the Tumultuous Joys of the Passions to the Ser... by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781140952961 List Price: $21.75
Histoire de Louis Xi by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781179239262 List Price: $38.75
Histoire de Louis Xi by Duclos, Charles Pinot ISBN: 9781179752563 List Price: $34.75
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